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Decision-making Process & Advertising Evaluation


Buhalis, D., & Park, S. (2021). Brand management and cocreation lessons from tourism and hospitality: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(1), 1–11.


Park, S., Woo, M., & Nicolau, J. L. (2020). Determinant factors of tourist expenses. Journal of Travel Research, 59(2), 267-280. [PDF]


Kim, D. Y., & Park, S. (2020). Rethinking millennials: how are they shaping the tourism industry?. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(1), 1-88. [PDF]



Park, S., Yin, Y., & Son, B. G. (2019). Understanding of online hotel booking process: A multiple method approach. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 25(3), 334-348. [PDF]


Park, S., & Nicolau, J. L (2019). Image effect on customer-centric measures of performance. Annals of Tourism Research, 76, 226-238. [PDF]


Mellinas, J. P., Nicolau, J. L., & Park, S. (2019). Inconsistent behavior in online consumer reviews: The effects of hotel attribute ratings on location. Tourism Management, 71, 421-427. [PDF]


Park, S., Yang, Y., & Wang, M. (2019). Travel distance and hotel service satisfaction: An inverted U-shaped relationship. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76, 261-270. [PDF]



Park, S., & Nicolau, J. L. (2018). If you, tourist, behave irrationally, I’ll find you!. Tourism Management, 69, 434-439. [PDF]



Dayour, F., Kimbu, A. N., & Park, S. (2017). Backpackers: The need for reconceptualisation. Annals of Tourism Research, 66, 191-193.


Doh, K., Park, S., & Kim, D. Y. (2017). Antecedents and consequences of managerial behavior in agritourism. Tourism Management, 61, 511-522. [PDF]



Park, S., & Nicolau, J. L. (2015). Differentiated effect of advertising: Joint vs. separate consumption. Tourism Management, 47, 107-114.



Park, S., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2014). Travel decision flexibility. Tourism Analysis, 19(1), 35-49. [PDF]




Park, S., Nicolau, J. L., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2013). Assessing advertising in a hierarchical decision model. Annals of Tourism Research, 40, 260-282.



Park, S., & Reisinger, Y. (2012). Cultural differences in tourism web communication: A preliminary study.Tourism Analysis, 17(6), 761-774. [PDF]


Park, S., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2012). Non‐response bias in internet‐based advertising conversion studies. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 6(4), 340-355.



Park, S., Wang, D., & Fesenmaier, D. (2011). Assessing structure in American online purchase of travel products. Anatolia, 22(3), 401-417.


Tussyadiah, I. P., Park, S., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2011). Assessing the effectiveness of consumer narratives for destination marketing. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 35(1), 64-78.



Park, S., Tussyadiah, I. P., Mazanec, J. A., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2010). Travel personae of American pleasure travelers: a network analysis. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27(8), 797-811. [PDF]


Park, S., & Kim, D. Y. (2010). A comparison of different approaches to segment information search behaviour of spring break travellers in the USA: experience, knowledge, involvement and specialisation concept. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12(1), 49-64.



Park, S. W., & Kim, D. Y. (2009). Information search behaviors of college students for spring break trip in the USA: an application of specialization concept. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26(7), 640-655.




Kim, D. Y., & Park, S. (2008). Customers' responses to crowded restaurant environments: Cross-cultural differences between American and Chinese. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 16(1-2), 137-157.

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